
BEDA day 6:

i just remembered that i should come do this, lest i forget and fail.

its been quite a busy day for me, i got a haircut, applied for a passport, went shopping, re-dyed my hair, and am now thesis-ing and watching goblet of fire on abc.  busy busy day for me.

in my thesis-ing process, i stumbled across these cute boots that i now need to make.  and i want to make them, like literally now.  but i don't think i can, because i need a sweater first.  and the great challenge will be finding a sweater in the color i want.  currently i'm thinking a purple of some sort, or some completely awkward polka dots.  we'll see what i can find when i go thrifting laters.

ah well, thats about all i have to say for today.  i do need to add that i made an uber yummy strawberry margarita earlier, and it was also very strong and quite large.  i ended up splitting the blenderful with my momma, and we both ended up with pretty much a glassful.  yummy yummy yummy.  only now the margarita mix is gone, and thats kinda sad.  but then again, we've had it for almost 2 months, sooo yeah...


angel: 0
buffy: 3 into season 4
pwi: 38
days till school: 29, i think

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