
BEDA day 7: i just realized that i didn't have a title yesterday...

the most exciting thing i did today was drink a quart of chocolate milk in roughly an hour.  and it was delicious.  and it's kind of sad that thats the most exciting part of my day.

my day has been very frikkin long, and i still have things that i should really do tonight.  whether or not i actually will, well, thats still up for debate.  but i really really should...

for those interested, the thesis i keep mentioning is the show almost, maine.  and thats what i need to be working on.  i think... i forgot what i was thinking, i got hardcore distracted.

OOOO!  clueless is on!  but its okay, i'm watching me some buffy the vampire slayer.  also, i think its thesis working time, then shower time, and sleepy time.

nighty nighty interwebz!

angel: 0
buffy: watching 6, probably watching 7 tonight also
pwi: 38
days to school: 28

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